trade compliance statement-ag亚洲国际厅
compliance management

trade compliance statement-ag亚洲国际厅

goertek is committed to strictly complying with all applicable national and international trade policies and conventions, including chinese laws, relevant international trade compliance policies and conventions, and applicable foreign laws and regulations. goertek earnestly fulfills trade compliance responsibilities and obligations, and builds its international image of business integrity and responsibility in order to win the trust of clients, suppliers and partners. goertek fully recognizes that steady compliance programs are helpful to avoid trade risks, create a positive and responsible corporate image, enhance mutual trust and transparency, and strengthen global partnerships.

goertek has set up a special trade compliance department, which is fully responsible for formulating and improving the company’s trade compliance policies, systems, organizations and processes, clarifying the responsibilities of different business lines, strengthening trade compliance knowledge and skill training for the employees and managers, and regularly conducting internal assessment and audit of the trade compliance system in order to guarantee and supervise continuous and effective execution of various internal compliance policies and systems, ensure the company’s long-term commitment to technological research and development, enhance our competitiveness in the international market, and thus provide more possibilities to expand the global market.

the company will strictly carry out compliance review, never tolerate any violations of laws and regulations in business activities, and investigate legal responsibilities for any employee violating compliance policies and conventions.

the company will review this statement annually and revise it as needed.
